Camper trailers are an increasingly popular purchase for Australians who love the great outdoors. It's easy to see why; they provide comfort, convenience, and all the mod-cons while still allowing an authentic and adventurous camping experience. Camper trailers are also a fairly hefty investment and not one that you should rush into without serious consideration and research.

There are many companies around the country who manufacture and sell camper trailers both online and from sales yards. This is good news because it provides you with a great chance to get the perfect trailer and it also helps to keep pricing competitive. However, the variety can also be a little bit daunting particularly when you're new to the world of camper trailers.

Before making a decision, it's important to conduct the proper research. The following three tips will help you to make an informed choice and reduce your chances of ending up with buyer's regret.

1. Visit local sales yards

To begin your research, spend some time visiting local camper trailer sales yards to familiarise yourself with different models and the range of features available. While all camper trailers provide the same basic function, the operating and set-up features vary from model to model as well as the overall size, height, and weight.

2. Visit a camping and caravanning exhibition

Camping and caravanning exhibitions are held regularly throughout the year around the country. They're most often held in major cities or large regional towns. It's well worth travelling to one if there isn't one close to your town.

These exhibitions are a great way to see a wide range of camper trailer makes and models and compare them in the same space. Exhibitions are also a great opportunity to talk to the manufacturers' representatives and ask any relevant questions.

3. Test drive different models

Once you've narrowed down your choice to a few models, then it's a wise idea to test drive them if possible. This will give you a chance to make sure that you're happy with the configuration, the set-up functions, the accessories, and the road handling when it's being towed.

Some manufacturers will allow you to test drive a camper trailer for an overnight trip. If not, consider hiring the same model for a camping trip to test drive it adequately. Although it will cost you money, it's a worthwhile expense before you commit to purchasing a camper for thousands of dollars.

A camper trailer will make a fantastic addition to your outdoor lifestyle and will enhance your future camping experiences. These tips will help to ensure that you choose the perfect camper trailer for your individual needs.
